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ESG Compliances under BRSR by SEBI in India:

Apr 27, 2023

How Business Responsibility & Sustainability Responsibility are building trust with Customers, Employees & Stakeholders

Business Responsibility & Sustainability Responsibility (BRSR):

As a company, we understand that our responsibilities extend beyond just generating profits. We have a responsibility to our stakeholders, including our employees, customers, shareholders, and the environment. Business responsibility and sustainability are crucial aspects of our operations, and we are committed to upholding these principles in everything we do.

What is Business Responsibility?

Business responsibility refers to a company's commitment to conducting its operations in an ethical and socially responsible manner. It involves taking into account the impact of a company's actions on its stakeholders, including employees, customers, shareholders, and the environment.

Why is Business Responsibility important?

Business responsibility is important for a number of reasons.

Firstly, it helps to build trust and credibility with customers, employees, and other stakeholders. By demonstrating a commitment to ethical and responsible business practices, companies can enhance their reputation and attract and retain customers and employees.

Secondly, business responsibility can help to mitigate risks associated with negative impacts on stakeholders. By taking into account the impact of their operations on employees, customers, and the environment, companies can avoid costly legal and reputational issues.

Finally, business responsibility is important for the long-term sustainability of a company. By operating in an ethical and responsible manner, companies can create value for all their stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, and employees, which in turn contributes to their long-term success.

What is Sustainability Responsibility? 

Sustainability responsibility refers to a company's commitment to conducting its operations in a sustainable manner. This involves taking into account the impact of a company's activities on the environment and working to reduce any negative impacts.

Why is Sustainability Responsibility important?

Sustainability responsibility is important for a number of reasons.

#Firstly, it helps to protect the environment and preserve natural resources for future generations. By reducing their environmental impact, companies can help to mitigate climate change and other environmental issues.

#Secondly, sustainability responsibility can help companies to reduce costs and improve efficiency. By adopting sustainable practices, companies can reduce waste, conserve resources, and increase operational efficiency.

#Finally, sustainability responsibility is becoming increasingly important to customers and other stakeholders. By demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, companies can enhance their reputation and attract and retain customers, employees, and investors.

SEBI has set up the BRSR (Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting) framework and mandated the top 1,000 listed companies in India to disclose their ESG performance as part of their annual report. By requiring listed companies to report on their sustainability practices using the BSRS framework, SEBI is encouraging companies to adopt more sustainable business practices and to be transparent about their sustainability performance. This, in turn, can help build trust with stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, and the wider community. Additionally, SEBI aims to create a more sustainable and responsible corporate sector in India, which can have positive economic, social, and environmental impacts in the long run.


“The list of these companies can be found on SEBI's website. The list is updated periodically to reflect any changes in the companies' listing status or ranking. However, as the list is subject to change, it is recommended to refer to SEBI's official website for the most up-to-date information on the 1,000 companies required to ensure ESG compliance”.


Additionally, the Indian government has launched several initiatives to promote sustainability and social responsibility, including the:

·     National Action Plan on Climate Change and the

·     Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission).

These initiatives provide guidelines and frameworks for companies to follow in their ESG efforts.

SEBI has mandated BRSR framework for several reasons:

1. To promote responsible business practices: The BRSR framework is aimed at promoting responsible business practices and encouraging companies to adopt more sustainable business practices.


2. To ensure accountability: By requiring listed companies to report on their sustainability practices using the BRSR framework, SEBI is holding companies accountable for their impact on the environment, society, and governance.


3. To build trust: Reporting on sustainability performance using the BSRS framework can help build trust with stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, and the wider community.


4. To improve sustainability performance: The BRSR framework is designed to improve the overall sustainability performance of companies by encouraging them to adopt more sustainable business practices.


5. To create a more sustainable and responsible corporate sector: SEBI aims to create a more sustainable and responsible corporate sector in India, which can have positive economic, social, and environmental impacts in the long run.


Overall, the BRSR framework is a step towards promoting sustainable and responsible business practices in India, which can benefit both the companies and society as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: What is the difference between business responsibility and sustainability responsibility?

A: Business responsibility refers to a company's commitment to conducting its operations in an ethical and socially responsible manner, while sustainability responsibility involves a company's commitment to conducting its operations in a sustainable manner, taking into account the impact of its activities on the environment.

Business responsibility and sustainability responsibility are important aspects of modern business operations. By taking into account the impact of their activities on their stakeholders and the environment, companies can build trust and credibility with customers and other stakeholders, mitigate risks, and create long-term value for all their stakeholders.

Q: How can companies demonstrate their commitment to business responsibility and sustainability responsibility?

A: Companies can demonstrate their commitment to business responsibility and sustainability responsibility by adopting ethical and sustainable business practices, engaging with stakeholders, and reporting on their social and environmental impact.

Q: What are some examples of sustainable business practices?

A: Some examples of sustainable business practices include reducing waste, conserving resources, using renewable energy sources, and adopting sustainable supply chain practices.

Q: Why SEBI has mandated BRSR Framework?

A: SEBI has set up the BRSR (Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting) framework to promote responsible business practices and sustainability reporting by listed companies in India. The framework is aimed at improving the overall sustainability performance of companies and ensuring that they are accountable for their impact on the environment, society, and governance. By requiring listed companies to report on their sustainability practices using the BSRS framework, SEBI is encouraging companies to adopt more sustainable business practices and to be transparent about their sustainability performance. This, in turn, can help build trust with stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, and the wider community. Additionally, SEBI aims to create a more sustainable and responsible corporate sector in India, which can have positive economic, social, and environmental impacts in the long run.

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Environment, Social Governance (ESG) Concept:

Environment, Social Governance (ESG) is a framework that companies use to evaluate their impact on the environment and society and to ensure that they are governed responsibly. It considers not just financial performance, but also non-financial factors that can affect a company's long-term success.


The environmental component of ESG focuses on a company's impact on the NATURAL world. This includes issues such as CLIMATE Change, POLLUTION, and WASTE Management. Companies that prioritize the environment are often committed to reducing their CARBON FOOTPRINT, CONSERVING NATURAL RESOURCES, and using SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES throughout their supply chain.


The social component of ESG considers a company's impact on society. This includes factors such as:

· Labor practices

· Diversity and inclusion

· Community engagement

Companies that prioritize social responsibility are often committed to treating their:

· Employees Fairly

· Supporting Local Communities

· Promoting Human Rights

Finally, the governance component of ESG evaluates a company's management practices and systems. This includes issues such as:

· Executive Compensation

· Board Diversity

· Transparency in Reporting

Companies that prioritize governance are often committed to:

· ETHICAL Leadership

· Strong Accountability

· Transparent Decision-Making Processes

At Your company, you have to understand the importance of ESG and have taken PROACTIVE steps to ensure that you are operating in a responsible and sustainable manner. you have to implement policies and procedures that align with ESG principles and regularly assess our progress in these areas.


For example, you have made a commitment to reduce your carbon footprint by implementing energy-efficient practices, sourcing renewable energy, and reducing waste.

You also prioritize social responsibility by ensuring :

· that our employees are treated fairly

· have access to development opportunities

· and by supporting local communities through volunteering and charitable donations.


In terms of governance, you have implemented policies and procedures to ensure that your decision-making processes are transparent, ethical, and accountable. You have also implemented a robust reporting system that tracks your progress in ESG areas, and you regularly report to your stakeholders on your performance in these areas.


We believe that prioritizing ESG is not just the right thing to do, but also essential for long-term business success. By considering the impact of our operations on the environment and society, we can MITIGATE RISK, BUILD TRUST with our stakeholders, and create long-term value. 

How to Implement ESG Framework in Any Organisation?

Implementing the ESG framework requires a comprehensive approach that considers the unique circumstances of each company. However, there are several key steps that companies can take to effectively integrate ESG into their BSRS strategies:


1. Develop a clear understanding of ESG: Before implementing ESG, companies must have a clear understanding of what it entails and how it relates to their operations. This includes understanding the three key components of ESG and how they are interconnected, as well as how ESG relates to their overall BSRS goals.


2. Assess current practices: Companies should assess their current practices and identify areas where they can improve their ESG performance. This can involve conducting an ESG audit or assessment to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.


3. Set goals and targets: Based on the assessment, companies should set goals and targets for improving their ESG performance. These goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound and should align with the company's overall BSRS goals.


4. Develop an action plan: Companies should develop a comprehensive action plan for implementing their ESG goals and targets. This should include specific initiatives and projects that will help them achieve their ESG goals, as well as timelines and responsibilities for each initiative.


5. Engage stakeholders: Implementing ESG requires engagement with a range of stakeholders, including investors, employees, customers, and community members. Companies should engage with these stakeholders to understand their expectations and concerns and to build support for their ESG initiatives.


6. Monitor and report progress: To ensure that they are making progress towards their ESG goals, companies should establish monitoring and reporting mechanisms. This can involve tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and reporting on progress in regular sustainability reports.


Implementing ESG can be a complex and challenging process, but it is essential for companies that are committed to operating in a responsible and sustainable manner. By following these key steps, companies can effectively integrate ESG into their BSRS strategies and demonstrate their commitment to creating long-term value for all stakeholders.

FAILURE Factors of ESG Implementation:

While implementing an ESG framework can have many benefits for businesses, it can also be challenging to achieve success. Some of the reasons why ESG implementation may fail include:


1. Lack of leadership buy-in: Without strong leadership buy-in and commitment to ESG, implementation efforts may be ineffective. Leaders must believe in the importance of ESG and prioritize it as a strategic objective.


2. Poor communication: Communication is key to successful ESG implementation, both internally and externally. If stakeholders do not understand the objectives and benefits of ESG, they may be less likely to support implementation efforts.


3. Insufficient resources: Implementing ESG can require significant resources, including financial resources, time, and personnel. Without adequate resources, it may be difficult to achieve success.


4. Limited stakeholder engagement: Engaging with stakeholders is essential for successful ESG implementation. Without stakeholder engagement, companies may miss important opportunities to improve their ESG performance.


5. Lack of clear goals and targets: Setting clear goals and targets is essential for successful ESG implementation. Without specific, measurable goals, it can be difficult to track progress and demonstrate the impact of ESG initiatives.


6. Inadequate monitoring and reporting: Monitoring and reporting on ESG performance is essential for tracking progress and identifying opportunities for improvement. Without effective monitoring and reporting, companies may not be able to demonstrate the impact of their ESG initiatives.


7. Failure to integrate ESG into business processes: ESG must be integrated into business processes and decision-making if it is to be successful. Without integration, ESG initiatives may be seen as separate from business objectives and may not receive the necessary support.


8. Lack of accountability: Without clear accountability for ESG performance, implementation efforts may be ineffective. Companies must hold themselves accountable for achieving their ESG goals and targets and must ensure that all stakeholders are aware of their responsibilities.


Overall, successful ESG implementation requires a holistic approach that addresses these and other potential challenges. By understanding these potential pitfalls and taking proactive steps to address them, companies can effectively integrate ESG into their business processes and demonstrate their commitment to creating long-term value for all stakeholders.

Requirements of ESG:

There are several requirements for ESG implementation, including:

1. Commitment from leadership: ESG must be a priority for company leadership, who should set clear goals and expectations for ESG performance.

2. Engaged stakeholders: Stakeholders, including employees, investors, customers, and community members, should be engaged in the ESG process and understand the benefits and importance of ESG.

3. Robust data and reporting: ESG performance should be tracked and reported on regularly, using reliable data and metrics.

4. Integration into business processes: ESG should be integrated into business processes and decision-making to ensure that it is a core part of company strategy.

5. Continuous improvement: ESG performance should be regularly reviewed and improved upon to ensure that the company is meeting its goals and making progress towards a more sustainable future.

6. External standards and benchmarks: Companies can benefit from using external standards and benchmarks to guide their ESG efforts and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

7. Collaboration and partnerships: Collaboration with stakeholders, including suppliers and other companies, can help companies achieve their ESG goals and make progress towards a more sustainable future.

8. Transparency and accountability: Companies should be transparent about their ESG performance and be accountable for their actions and impact on the environment and society.

Overall, ESG requires a comprehensive approach that involves all aspects of a company's operations and engages all stakeholders in the process. By following these requirements and making ESG a priority, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and create long-term value for all stakeholders.

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How to Implement ESG in Construction or Real Estate Companies in India?

ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) can be implemented in the construction and real estate sectors in India. In fact, the construction and real estate sector has a significant impact on the environment and society, making ESG considerations especially important.

To implement ESG in the construction and real estate sector, companies can consider the following:


1. Environmental considerations: Construction and real estate activities have a significant impact on the environment, including the depletion of natural resources, carbon emissions, and waste generation. Companies can implement ESG by adopting sustainable construction practices, using renewable energy sources, and reducing their carbon footprint. They can also prioritize green building certifications such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) ratings.


2. Social considerations: The construction and real estate sector can also have an impact on local communities, including displacement, noise pollution, and safety hazards. Companies can implement ESG by engaging with local communities, providing safe and healthy working conditions for employees, and prioritizing social development initiatives such as affordable housing and community infrastructure.


3. Governance considerations: Good governance is critical to ensuring the transparency and accountability of construction and real estate companies. Companies can implement ESG by adopting robust governance policies, disclosing their financial and non-financial performance, and ensuring ethical business practices.


In India, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has mandated the top 1000 listed companies to disclose their ESG performance in their annual reports. Additionally, organizations such as the

· Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

· National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO)

have developed sustainability frameworks for the construction and real estate sectors.


Overall, ESG can provide a framework for construction and real estate companies to assess and improve their sustainability and social responsibility performance. By prioritizing ESG, companies can not only reduce their environmental and social impact but also enhance their reputation and financial performance.


How do set up, implement & monitor ESG in construction co. in India?

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are becoming increasingly important for businesses, including those in the construction and real estate industries. Implementing an ESG framework can help companies improve their performance, mitigate risk, and enhance their reputation. Here are some steps that construction companies in India can take to set up, implement, and monitor ESG:


1. Establish ESG policies and procedures: The first step is to develop clear policies and procedures that outline the company's commitment to ESG and the actions it will take to achieve its goals. This should include specific targets and metrics for measuring progress.


2. Identify material ESG issues: Companies should identify the ESG issues that are most material to their operations and stakeholders. This can be done through a materiality assessment, which involves consulting with stakeholders and analyzing industry trends and best practices.


3. Set ESG targets and goals: Once the material ESG issues have been identified, the company should set targets and goals for each issue. These should be specific, measurable, and time-bound.


4. Implement ESG initiatives: The company should implement initiatives to achieve its ESG targets and goals. This can include measures to reduce energy consumption, minimize waste and emissions, promote social inclusion, and enhance governance practices.


5. Monitor and report on ESG performance: It is important to monitor and report on the company's ESG performance regularly. This can involve tracking progress against targets and goals, conducting audits and assessments, and communicating with stakeholders about the company's ESG performance.


In order to successfully implement ESG, construction companies in India should also consider the following:

1. Leadership commitment: ESG initiatives require strong leadership commitment, from the top down. Senior management should be actively involved in developing and implementing ESG policies and initiatives.

2. Stakeholder engagement: It is important to engage with stakeholders throughout the ESG implementation process, including employees, customers, suppliers, and local communities.

3. Integration into business strategy: ESG should be integrated into the company's overall business strategy and decision-making processes.

4. Capacity building: Companies may need to invest in capacity building and training to ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge needed to support ESG initiatives.

5. Continuous improvement: ESG is an ongoing process of continuous improvement. Companies should regularly review and update their policies and procedures, targets and goals, and ESG initiatives to ensure that they remain relevant and effective.


By implementing an ESG framework can help construction companies in India enhance their performance, mitigate risk, and enhance their reputation. By following the steps outlined above and considering the key success factors, construction companies can successfully set up, implement, and monitor ESG initiatives that contribute to sustainable development.

In conclusion, environmental, and social governance (ESG) is a framework that evaluates a company's impact on the environment and society, as well as its management practices. Companies that prioritize ESG are committed to being responsible and sustainable in all aspects of their operations and understand that this is essential for long-term success.


At your company, you have to prioritize ESG and are committed to continuously improving your business practices to ensure that you are operating in a responsible and sustainable manner.

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