
Top secrets to utilizing employees

May 16, 2022

Behind every successful business lies its hardworking and efficient workforce. Employees are the foundation on which a company runs. Every business is customer-oriented and prioritizes the needs of its customers.

However, they must understand that the needs of their employees are just as important as those of their customers. Ignoring the needs of employees and creating a toxic job experience will highly impact their productivity.

According to Gallup's survey report, nearly 85% of employees are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work, costing $7 trillion in lost productivity.

A productive workforce helps one to climb the ladder of success. Every business expects its employees to be more productive and focused on achieving their goals. With the changing world, businesses are finding ways to improve their employee's efficiency on the job.

However, Is your employee giving their best? Are they meeting your expectations? How can you generate the best out of your employees?


Here are the top secrets for utilization of your employees:

1.  A good leader builds a great team:

To utilize your employees, first, ask yourself; do you have the skills to manage a team? Do your employees see you as a good leader? A leader lacking the skills and qualities to lead and manage a team cannot blame their employees for poor results.

According to a survey conducted by the Predictive Index, around 30% of employees believe their manager lacks team-building skills.

For instance, Students follow in the footsteps of their teachers. If the teacher himself lacks the skills and ability to teach students, how can a student grow? Many business owners or managers incorporate a business but lack the qualities to manage their employees. They do not know how to get their work done by employees. Thus, to build a great team, first, become a good leader. Consider hiring an HR manager to manage your human assets.

2.  Timely Appreciation:

Keep appreciating your employees; it keeps their morale and enthusiasm boosting. Giving incentives to employees encourages them to work hard and achieve their targets more efficiently.

Data revealed in a report presented by Glassdoor shows that about 53% of employees say they would stay longer in a company if they feel appreciated.

These incentives could be the best employee award, certificate, occasional gifts, bonuses, and a food treat. A timely appreciation can bring more effective results and accelerate your workforce progress.

3.  Good place, good work:

The workplace atmosphere reflects your attitude and expectations. A workplace environment is a crucial part of employees' lives. It is the place where they live, grow and work. A positive work environment encourages employees to give their best and promotes growth, safety, and goal attainment.

For instance, if a flower is not blooming, you will fix its surroundings, not the flower. A Flower Blooms in a healthy and positive environment. Your employees are like flowers; they will bloom in a positive and healthy atmosphere at work. Creating an optimal atmosphere that brings happiness, growth, and safety eventually increases productivity and goal attainment.

4.  Training and development:

You can not learn on your own. An employee struggling with a task with zero guidance can not bring you efficient results. Training and development programs change the way employees perceive themselves and get the best out of them. You can organize training and development programs such as workshops, seminars, and counselling.

You can buy them a course for learning and developing their knowledge. Many businesses find it time-consuming and extra cost, but it is worth investing in. More skilful and trained employees can bring you outstanding results. Invest a little to receive more in return.

5.  Encourage open communication at work:

You work fixedly. Instead of working hard, work smart. Let your employees express their ideas and advice for finding a creative way to accomplish tasks more efficiently. It not only changes the way you work; but also changes employees' attitudes towards work.

Open communication can help to bring out the best in your employees. Maybe their idea is not worthy but appreciates their active participation in achieving a common goal. Open communication helps to maintain their interest and focus at work. Let a creative mind come forward. Ask them if they have any issues fulfilling their task and appreciate them if they perform well. It also helps in improving your engagement with employees.

6.  Give tasks according to skills:

One cannot do everything. If an employee is good at the account, he can't peach your customers. Similarly, an extroverted and creative thinker may be apt to peach your customers but may be lacking in research-oriented work.

Thus, it is good to analyze the skills and abilities of your employees to provide them with the role in which they can best. Before assigning a task, analyze your employee's skills and find the best match to do the task. An efficient and skilled employee matching the task requirements can bring outstanding results.

7.  Performance review:

Reviewing your employee's performance is essential for better-utilizing employees. According to a survey conducted by the Predictive Index, around 17.9% of employees said their manager lacks feedback skills. Timely rewiring performance and getting feedback will let the employee know the areas where they are best and where they are lacking. It will help them work on the lacking areas and do their best to overcome these shortcomings.

As an employer, some responsibilities also fall on your shoulder. Ask your employees how you can help them overcome these shortcomings if they need guidance from you. Help them every step of their way to improve and grow.

8.  Counseling may help:

Every business is full of challenges. Meeting deadlines, workload, long sitting hours, meeting sales targets, workplace abuse, personal and professional conflicts, fears, annexation, and many other issues at a workplace can badly impact your employee's mental health.

According to the data revealed by Optum, around 46% of employees suffer from some stress in the workplace in India.

These issues eventually result in less productivity, lack of concentration, falling confidence, depression, decrease in performance rate, and increasing absenteeism at work.

Here counselling comes to play. A timely counselling session can help overcome these issues and regain their energy at work. Counselling helps in boosting employees' confidence, keeping their morals high, and improving work retention, eventually increasing productivity. Thus, counselling may sound useless, but it is worth spending.


Final words:

To bring out the best from your employees, you must do your job first. An employer needs to be aware of how they get their job done. Take care of your employee's needs and improve your engagement with them inside and outside your working hours. If you take care of your employees, your employees will take care of the growth of your business. It is a simple formula to motivate your employees and build a skilled workforce.