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Why 80% of business owners are the bottleneck in their business: how jammed workflow leads to model crashes?

May 18, 2022

Bottlenecks are beginning to complete jamming of workflow and breakdown of productive cycles leading to even in-demand business models failing. Many big stars fail in a couple of years because of this jamming of their input-output performance. Every business aims to improve productivity and maintain consistency, but sometimes they fail to do so. Maybe your business is doing well from the start, but suddenly your production slowed down. You are not able to produce as much as there is demand. At this moment, you need to find the bottlenecks to maintain a smooth workflow and production. 

About 80% of businesses owners bottlenecked, but why?

When one or multiple unseen causes lead to a blockage in the production system; and efficiency gets compromised, such a situation is a bottleneck. Bottlenecks are often also referred to as capacity constraints. These bottlenecks can create a huge problem if not shorted out. The things causing capital loss, dissatisfied customers, and poor-quality products can be the bottlenecks clogging your business's success.

How do Bottlenecks affect production?

Bottlenecking is a major cause of business failure or the incurrence of capital losses. However, here, we have tried to list the beginner-level adverse effects; that can even act as symptoms that something is wrong.

●    Cost of production sky-rockets

Jammed workflow leads to projects dealt with at the last moment. This time constraint leads to imperfect decision making, extra cost added to raw materials, and a general spike in underestimation of expenses.

●    Compromise in quality

Combined with the lack of time, a constant state of pressure and stress affects the quality of productivity even for seasoned professionals. Poor quality means the client base reduction and brand reputation deterioration.

●    Dwindling motivation in employees

When the work environment is not great, then motivation among workers is expected to dwindle. Low motivation further leads to even lower productivity hence fueling the cycle when kept unchecked.

●    Missing out on the opportunities to expand business

When the company is already struggling to meet present demands, it becomes impossible to talk of expansion and diversification. Bottlenecks can make you lose many opportunities now enjoyed by your competitors.

●    Interferes with the profits

Even if you are earning profits, bottlenecking means somewhere, some of the overall income is leaking out; in the short term or long term. With an efficient production system instead, profits increase manifolds in absolute numbers.

Reasons why the problem of bottlenecking is so common

Why do 80% of existing business owners struggle with the bottleneck problem; almost constantly?

Here are some common reasons that we think can answer the question.


1.   One-man army:

Many business owners are a one-man army and have a hand in every aspect of operating their business. Sometimes delegating tasks feels like losing control, but delegation is necessary to maintain the workflow. Doing all the work yourself can demoralize your team members and ultimately slow down production. Even if you go on vacation or are sick for days, your business activities will halt until you get back to work. One person cannot handle everything. Wherever there is a fire, you do not need to go and extinguish it yourself. Delegating tasks can help you focus on the tasks that need your attention.


2.   Outdated data processing and too many repetitive tasks

Ideally, any organization in today's fast-paced world needs to be a factory of ideas, creativity, and innovation. Data processing is an essential part of every sustainable business. Doing a lot of repetitive work; that can be handled by software easily; brings down a company's production value. Data revealed by UiPath, an enterprise automation software company, state that employees waste four and a half hours a week on repetitive tasks that can get eased with automated solutions. About 68% of employees said they need more time to explore how to incorporate new responsibilities, and 58% believe their jobs do not provide room for development. Streamline your business process with automated solutions to boost the workflow.


3. Blockage in the payment flow

Payment flows (both as much the ones coming in as the ones going out) need to be in shape. U.S. Bank study has revealed that about 82% of business failures result from poor cash management. Keeping your payments up-to-date is like securing the financial backbone of your institution. Many business owners focus on the profit they are generating, neglecting the expenditure they incur. These expenses can put a strain on your shoulders when you want to buy must-have equipment or cope with an equipment breakdown. You cannot even pay your suppliers on time if your customers are not paying on time. These payment delays can result in slow production. Get a firm grip on your business cash flow management to eliminate these bottlenecks.


4. A missing link:

Your key players handle all the tasks efficiently, great. But what if they get absent for consecutive days? Their work will remain pending until they get back because no one is qualified or skilled in their task in their absence. These can interrupt and delay the entire process. In an assembly line set up where each person makes a chain and performs their particular task, a missing link can disrupt the entire process. Training employees to acquire new skills helps them switch roles easily to survive such situations.


5. Scarce resources and equipment

Resources are the primary things that your high-value employees need to reach their full potential. A compromise with proper resources or having less equipment than required; can inevitably delay the whole procedure. Even one piece of equipment can affect your entire production process. Maybe it can burn some of your cash, but it is worth spending. The outdated equipment can delay all your business processes leading to bottlenecks. So, to eliminate such bottlenecks, look at the equipment counting its last breaths or in need of change.


6. Low work morale among employees

Often dwindling work morale gets overlooked simply because no one pays enough attention to it until it becomes too late. Data revealed by Gallup's survey report found that about 85% of employees are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work, costing a $7 trillion loss in productivity. Work morale and innate productivity among employees can be affected by simple things like current projects, interior design, fitting in with new leaders, overall ambiance, etc. An engaging and motivated employee can double productivity. Focus on your human assets that aren't doing as well as they should.

 Final word:

Dealing with bottlenecking can be done on your own or with the help of a professional. The key part is to pinpoint the causes and then have honest conversations with people involved in that area about their needs and what can better performance.

Other ways to eliminate bottlenecking are streamlining production using advanced technology to boost your growth, conducting on-job training, organizing workshops, investing in new equipment, etc.