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Why some employees are not giving value to management?

May 18, 2022

Employees are valuable assets of a company, but what if these valuable assets do not provide any value? 

Every employer expects their employees to work hard and commit themselves to work. But, some employees fail to live up to the expectations of their management. What could be the reason?

Maybe the employee is not perfect for the job, the workplace is not productive, management is not fulfilling their responsibilities, or there is some external issue affecting the employee productivity.

There are so many reasons that restrict the employees from performing well.

According to research conducted in 2021 by Gallup State of the Global Workplace, 85% percent of employees found not engaged in the workplace; and 73% were willing to leave their job in the US.

The data is shocking, right? But where do the companies go wrong?

Let us dig out the reason why some employees are not giving value to their management:

1.  Lack of training and guidance:

Sometimes, if your employee is not giving value, maybe your management is not fulfilling their responsibilities somewhere. Your responsibility is not over with delegating a task and giving them the deadline. With limited skills and knowledge, they will not be able to do the task well.

 Mistakes are bound to happen if they do not know how to do a task. Maybe they asked you to guide them, but you ignored them, or they were scared to do so. With time it can become frustrating, leading to demotivation. A leader has the responsibility to lead their team; in the right direction and guide them when they get stuck. Provide them timely training and room for development.

2.  Bad Hiring:

One weak link can break the entire chain. A good and efficient employee can take you up the ladder of success, but a bad employee can bring you down. Hiring the wrong person who lacks the skills and knowledge required for the job will certainly not give you any value, no matter how hard you try.

It is daunting to find the most suitable one from a group of candidates. You are not the master who can tell how well he can do with a single glance. However, before hiring a person, analyze their skills, abilities, and knowledge; are they really what you were looking for?

3.  Unproductive workplace:

How will your employee give value if he is not getting the right environment at work. A not-so-interesting workplace environment keeps your employee uninterested at work, eventually performance. A workplace environment is where an employee lives, learns and grows. A toxic environment can leave your employee frustrated and demotivated at work. A workplace environment should be positive, comfortable, and good for your employee's welfare.

4.  Multi-tasking:

Your employee is not a superhero who can do all the tasks at a time. If the work pressure becomes the noose for employees, they will not be able to perform well. Before wrapping up a task, they get another task, eventually losing their focus. Such distractions can impact their performance.

According to research, multitasking reduces productivity by 40% nearly.

Give them time to finish a task and then start the second one. You can even distribute the work so that all the burden does not fall on the shoulders of one employee. Sometimes, indulging in small tasks like printing papers, paperwork, and other minor tasks can consume so much time and cause distraction. Try to simplify these small tasks and let your employees focus on their goals.

5.  Lack of resources:

To give value to management, your employees must be ready to do their job. It means they must be equipped with the right resources to do their job well and on time.

A study conducted by Critix revealed that; around 39% of employees think that their company lack technology to support growth. About 70% believe that new technology is essential to keep the company firm and employees productive.

For instance, if your employee needs to collect data on paper and do not have printers, they will go to the printing shop and spend hours; getting the work done. Provide them with the tools and technologies for their work promptly.

6.  A stressful mind cannot shine:

An employee has a lot of stress in life, like meeting deadlines, conflicts with co-workers and seniors, completion, roles and responsibilities, quarrels at home, anxiety, and fears. Such reasons cause potential impacts affecting their performance.

 According to a report published by Linkedin, around 55% of Indians feel mental stress at work.

Mental stress restricts; a person's ability to think and leaves them demotivated at work. Try to organize counseling sessions and activities to regain their mental peace.

7.  Physical issues:

Just as mental stress inhibits your employee's growth, physical stress also prevents them from giving their best. Maybe they have health issues such as illness, hypertension, headaches, and other bodily pain. A timely medical checkup can help you take precautions before a disease takes a serious turn. You owe a responsibility toward the health and well-being of your employees.

8.  Lack of motivation:

Lack of motivation at work is another reason; why some employees fail to live up to the expectations of their management. Motivation does not come from lecturing or nagging for their mistake. Although nagging is needed sometimes, a timely appreciation for their hard work is essential.

Data revealed in the Glassdoor report shows that about 53% of employees say they would stay longer in a company if they feel appreciated.

There are two types of motivations, extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation comes from the incentives they get for doing a task. It may be the best employee of the year award, a bonus, a food treat, or just a 'thank you.' It can boost their morale and motivate them to do their best.

Intrinsic motivation comes from the inner self when they feel valued and contribute to the company's success. Robust communication with employees and allowing them to express their views can make them happy, motivated, and engaged at work.


Final words:

A happy employee gives better outcomes.

Your employees are your company's precious assets. Their well-being is your responsibility. So to get the best out of your employees, do your part of the job. Equip them with proper training and guidance to develop their skills and knowledge. It will accelerate their performance 10x times.

Besides, communication is a key to improving their engagement at work. Listen to issues and create an open communication environment at the workplace. Your employee's performance depends upon how you treat them. Do every possible thing to make them happy and engaged at work.